Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's time to move on...

I don't know exactly how many people follow my regular blog, but even though it might be just a few, I still have to be honest. And the truth is that the title "Oscar Obsessed" seems no longer an appropriate title for a blog managed by yours truly. Over the years, I admit that I've grown tired of the Oscar process, mainly for two reasons. One: I'm a little sick of the self-congratulatory facade that puts so much importance on what a group of only six thousand people in Hollywood think. Secondly, I'm just tired of the films I love and admire not getting nominations. Last year, two films in my top five (Where the Wild Things Are, (500) Days of Summer) were completely shut out. So saying that I'm obsessed with the Oscars I find no longer to be accurate. I'll still watch the ceremony every year, and participate in the mandatory predictions game, but the passion for the whole thing has dwindled immensely.

So that old site is pretty much done. Now a new one has begun. This site, I intend, to not focus only on the Oscars but on film in general. Every weekend I'll try to get to a new review, but I will also do other commentary as well, such as random ranking lists on different subjects, reviews of older films, and other topics as well. I think this adventure will find more pleasure than the last one, for me anyways. Then again, I might be the only one actually reading this. If so, then I'll be happy that I'm excited at least. If there's at least one other person out there reading this, then I hope you can be excited for what's to come as well.